Accidents & Near Misses

Accident and near miss reporting

Despite our best efforts at risk assessment, accidents do still occur from time to time.  It is ESSENTIAL to report these - not so we have someone to blame, but that we can learn from what happened and do our best to prevent it from happening again.  

All of our incident reporting procedures are set out on the 'purple card'.  All leaders MUST have a purple card, which they should keep with them on all Scouting occasions (that's why it fits into the top pocket of your uniform!).  You can print your own if you need an update quickly, get one from the District Secretary, or order directly from Scout Shops.  

Full details are on the Scout Website, but in short anything which requires medical attention during a Scouting activity must be reported to the District Commissioner immediately; and anything which requires professional medical review (whether or not treatment is then given) must be reported to HQ as soon as possible (i.e. same day).  
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